October 19
Salmon Creek about a half mile upstream of crossroads at Hilton, NY
Everyday I traverse the Curtis Road hill, the southside of which looks like a long esker, a gravel-deposited ridge running west to east for about five miles starting at Townline Road and ending at Manitou Road where it dives down into the Salmon Creek valley. It just disappears. Now October, field corn and soybeans have turned this peaceful yellow-tan color and are often whipped by the coming November winds. The hill is treeless today and looks strangely bare except for the cultivated fields and occasional home, old farmstead, and what intrigues me the most . . . the tenant-farmers dwellings.
Saturday, October 2, 2010 ~ Six am . . . brilliant southern constellations in Orion and the planets followed by startling blue clouds and gold-hued rising sun. All the years we lived on the east side of this bay, we watched the sunset over corn fields, but since moving west, I now look directly east into the sunrise over shining water . . . . wonder if this having an effect on me?